Saturday, January 19, 2013

So THAT'S what they do!

Every Saturday Mom, Gimme-Mom, Val, and sometimes Trekkie, leave the house for hours and hours! OK, maybe it's not really that long but you know how we dogs are! It seems like forever! And I hate it when they leave me all by myself. BOOOOOO!!! Bad Mommy!

So, I guess I looked pathetic enough for long enough. Because Mom took me today too! YEAH Mom! So, the car was a little snug with all of us dogs in it, plus the neighbor kids Jake and Katey <Shout out to Katey because I know she reads the blog!>. Anyway, the car drive was a little snug and I admit I rode pretty much in Katey's lap all the way to the training center. But Katey was snuggly so it was OK!

And when we got out it was fantastic!Soooooo many other dogs to see and sniff and maybe even play with! Turns out, though, that all Mom wanted me to do was WORK! And work at obedience! WHAT??!! Doesn't she know I'm injured? I don't "do" obedience. DUH! Hmmmmmmm, upon reflection, maybe that's why Mom insisted I go! Laugh Laugh!

Mom didn't make me work very hard. We didn't do any of the fast stuff, and we didn't do any circles to the left - those are really hard for me right now. But I can't believe she made me sit every time we stopped heeling! EVERY TIME! Hrmph.And stay still in a down for 3 minutes? Yeah, that's not going to happen.

I vaguely recall working at all this stuff when I was a puppy. I mean, a young puppy (Laugh Laugh) but I didn't know I was going to be expected to remember all this! I'm not sure if I like it anymore <whine>. I'll have to talk to Mom about this. We have to set some ground rules.

Rule #1 - I don't do obedience anymore
Rule# 2 - Refer back to Rule #1

Laugh Laugh!

After a bit of time, Mom let me go play while she worked with Val and I walked around to sniff the other dogs. No one really wanted to play though so I just lay around with Trekkie and watched Mom work with Val. She's not really any better than I am, she's just younger. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

When we finally went home, we were all exhausted! And I bet it's also why the girls don't like to play much when they get home. They are exhausted too!

Until next time, I hope you all have someone to make you obedient!

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