Friday, January 13, 2012

MOM! Enough training already!!

Oh boy! What is it with Mommy? Not only did she take me to training last week, we went to training again on Monday! And this time, it was really hard because there was no play time! I had to work and TRAIN! That's just not right now is it??

On Monday, we went to "conformation" training (Mommy had to help me spell that). That is where I learn to stand and look pretty so that judges can touch me and declare me the bestest! I also have to learn to move around the ring at the correct pace. I've been trying to do that but it's no fun sometimes. So I only do it for about 4 steps and then I quit. So there :-P

It's been exhausting with all of this lately. One night for beauty training, one day for obedience training <snicker>, and one day for daycare. Well, two days this week. We've had people in the house helping putting up the new walls downstairs so Mommy thought I would should go to daycare again to get out of their way. What the heck? It's people Mommy! I loooooooooovvvee people (and they, of course, love me!)! But <sigh>. It turned out to be OK since I had lots of fun at daycare!!

But what I want to know is: What is all this training good for? So far, I have been stubbornly refusing to learn anything. Why? I want to know WHY? I have a loving family with loving big brothers and sisters. They don't seem to care if I learn anything. But some days, all I hear is NO NO! Take tonight. I get chicken for dinner every night and yet Daddy was shocked when he put his plate of chicken wings on the couch and I ate one! Laugh Laugh. Oh yes, I did! And it was good!! But all I heard was NO ALF! BAD DOG! <sigh>. Well, I guess he shouldn't have put that plate there, should he have?? Laugh Laugh!!

But that doesn't change the fact that I want to know Why all the training? Enough already! I am the bestest, most handsomest, and everyone knows it. Why train? And that obedience stuff <snicker>.... Mommy has an uphill battle getting me to learn anything for that!

I'm off to sleep Internet friends. Have to dream up new ways to mess with Mommy's obedience training!


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