Sunday, December 9, 2012

Not a Puppy Anymore!

Well, it's finally happened! All those cute puppy antics I did when I was just a teeny tiny baby... aren't so cute anymore! They don't work!

It used to be that I could ignore Mom and Dad when they wanted me to go outside and potty by rolling over on my back. Then they would give me a tummy rub! Yippeee!!! But <SIGH> not anymore! Now they just try to get me to actually go outside. But I'm sleeping!! I don't want to go outside. NO! Don't disturb me! And still they keep calling me name. And eventually it turns into that tone of voice. You know the one I'm talking about. When the first syllables get extended and the voice gets lower... <sigh>. Yeah. THAT tone of voice. That's when I know I had better get up and go outside. Guess I'm not a puppy anymore.

And they make me sit for my meals! Used to be, I could dive right in as soon as they started putting the bowl down. I'm a big, handsome, growing boy. I need my food! Laugh Laugh!! But not anymore! Now, I need to sit and wait until the bowl hits the floor. Dad makes me give him my paw. Mom makes me wait to eat. Sometimes it's even seconds and seconds she makes me wait! FOOD! FOOD NOW! <sigh>. Guess I'm not a puppy anymore!

Thankfully, they still let me up on the bed! Laugh Laugh! Those are good times! I don't stay up there long; it gets far too hot. But Dad still plays undercover alien with me. He thinks I don't know what he's doing, but I do! He puts his hand under the covers and then tries to attack me with it. I end up barking and barking at him! Laugh Laugh! I guess I am still partly puppy!!

So, I've learned today that Mom is the disciplinarian, and Dad is the playmate! And he wonders why we (any of the dogs) don't listen to him. Laugh Laugh! Of course, we fool Mom. We only pretend to listen to her. When we can get away with it, we certainly don't! Laugh Laugh! It's such good times!

Happy Undercover Aliens to all my internet peeps!

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