Saturday, November 17, 2012

Where Have You BEEN??

Hi-diddly-ho, neighborinos!!

It's been a busy couple of months! Trying to think of things to blog about can be draining. Who cares what I had for dinner? It's always the same anyway Laugh Laugh!

So, a couple of months ago I thought I would try to have a "guest" blogger take over occasionally. I thought Mr. Fox would be perfect to get us started. Unfortunately, Mr. Fox began getting ill and the whole house fell into a funk. Mr. Fox didn't want to blog, and after asking and asking Trekkie, Gimme-Mom, and even Val, no one wanted to do it! Wow.

So here I am again, trying to catch up. As I said, Mr. Fox has been ill. He's feeling a bit better now but certainly showing his age. And BOY has he gotten really grumpy! Don't try and ask him for anything. He'll just growl a "NO" at you. I sure learned my lesson! It was a long slow road to recovery, but he's back to eating now so I think Mr. Fox will be around for a while yet.

Gimme-Mom has gone back to the showing thing. Something I still dearly want to try but can't yet. Gimme-Mom has been doing pretty good, even garnering a Best of Breed at one show! She tells me she didn't even make the cut in group but she was so happy to be back out showing!

Even Val was out showing before she was old enough! She went with friends Loren & Brian to something called "The Nationals". It's a place where members of one breed get together for a couple of days (or up to a week!) to show in conformation, obedience, agility, Futurity, and Top 20. Val wasn't old enough for most of the events so she and her brother Marty went for Futurity. Their new friend Josh showed them there. They had a ton of fun but brought home no ribbons. Of course, now that Val is old enough to show (can you believe she is six months old already??) there are no shows. She'll have to wait until February. I want to go to Nationals one day. Maybe in 2013 when the Saint Bernard Nationals will be in Nebraska. Something to look forward to!!

Because Gimme-Mom and Mom have been showing a lot again lately, there hasn't been a lot of time for Trekkie or <gasp> ME! And then Mom does nothing but complain about "school" all day long. When I try to ask her what "school" is she doesn't really respond. I had to look it up at
1. an institution where instruction is given, especially to persons under college age: The children are at school.
2. an institution for instruction in a particular skill or field.
3. a college or university.
4.a regular course of meetings of a teacher or teachers and students for instruction; program of instruction: summer school.
5.a session of such a course: no school today; to be kept after school.
NO wonder Mom hasn't been around much! She's been institutionalized Laugh Laugh!! Just kidding. Actually, Mom has said that she is trying to learn to be a better business-person and earn her degree in the Associate of Applied Science - Business at Community College of Aurora. She has a lot of homework this first semester because one of her classes turned out to be a fast-track class (didn't start until mid-October and is complete mid-December). So, we'll just tip-toe around Mom for a little while!! 
I'll leave you with a picture of my buddy Val and me when she got back from Nationals. She was gone almost 2 weeks!! It's a fuzzy picture but I think you can see I missed her Laugh Laugh!
Until we meet again! Hopefully next week!!

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