Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's My Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to ME!!

Yeah! I turned a year old on Wednesday September 26th. Mom and Dad didn't do anything super special for me, but I did get extra treats and a super special meal (Hamburger! Yummy!).

Hard to believe I'm a year old already. The time has just flown by! Sure, things didn't go as planned (I was supposed to be a Champion by now Mom says Laugh Laugh!). But Mom and Dad do their best by me.

I find it's really hard to write a blog when I don't have the experiences of some of the older dogs. I thought this would be really cool and fun but, as you can tell by the fact it's not updated every week, it's not easy. Still COOL and FUN though!! Laugh Laugh!

And it has been busy even if I've been a homebody. I mean, someone had to raise Gimme-Mom's puppies, right? And I did an awesome job! So glad that one of the puppies is sticking around. And Gimme-Mom just came out of season recently. Whew, was that a tough time to get through! Seriously! I found love everywhere! Laugh Laugh! Or, at least I tried. For a while there, I think I lost all my brains. Poor Mom and Dad. They had to keep a really close eye on me because anytime Gimme-Mom was even near I would lose it. I followed Gimme-Mom everywhere Laugh Laugh! Now that she is no longer in season, I've got some brains back. That makes Mom and Dad oh so very happy! Laugh Laugh!!

Hey, I just had a thought (See? I got my brains back Laugh Laugh!)! What I should do is turn the blog over to Fox Sir, Gimme-Mom, and Trekkie occasionally. At least that way, maybe one would get written more often. And they have ever so much more experience than I do. Little Val probably won't write too often but maybe. She is going to her Great Dane Nationals soon. Maybe she can write about her experiences there.

Thanks for hanging with me internet Dudes!

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