Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Howya Doin'?

Boy, say one little thing about being bored and next thing you know... it's busy busy busy!

I've been going every week to see the physical therapist. Having a good time and last week I was on the underwater treadmill for 15 minutes!! FIFTEEN WHOLE MINUTES!! Boy was I tired when I was done! But it was a good tired! Daddy says Jenni has to clean up all my hair when I get out though. I guess it's springtime in the Rockies!! Laugh Laugh!! I am blowing coat and Mommy just can't keep up. 

I've been for slow walks around the block to help exercise my leg, and of course my exercises. Although Mommy and Daddy have been slacking a bit on the exercises. Bad Mommy and Daddy! I guess they have an excuse since there is a lot of other stuff going on around the house!! Good thing Daddy has taken me to work again recently!! And to Home Depot and PetsMart!! I love both those places! And everyone there loves me; Me; ME!!! But of course. Because how could you not love all this??

Daddy has been working on his favorite project - remodeling the downstairs. The bathroom is almost complete! The tiling is almost done and then Daddy can attach all the fixtures and it will be useable!! Mommy is SO HAPPY! She can't wait until there are two full bathrooms in the house! I don't see what all the excitement is about. My bathroom is the entire outdoors! I suppose the neighbors would be shocked if Mommy started to use the outdoors as her bathroom... that's too bad. But oh well. Laugh Laugh!

Mommy has been busy because Gimme Mom finally had her babies!! She has 7 suckling kids - 3 girls and 4 boys. I've peeked into the room where they are and she looks so content with them. But they are so tiny! I am quite sure I was not that tiny when I was little. And where is all their hair? I know that Gimme Mom has no hair but I figured that it just all fell off. I don't get it? But it's made Mommy very tired lately. And of course Gimme Ma'am has not had any time to spend with me and that makes me sad.

Good thing that Trekkie also has no one to play with. Hmmm, that sounds wrong. See, Trekkie normally plays with Gimme Ma'am too! But now that Gimme Ma'am is Gimme Mom she isn't playing with us. All she does is spend time with the little squeakers. So Trekkie <heart> has to play with ME!! And she is so fun to play with!! Play, play, play. OK. Maybe we don't play all day long. But we do play and it's so fun! It makes me so happy that Trekkie finally knows I'm alive! Laugh Laugh! It's great to be busy again!!

That's about it for now! I'll leave you with a picture of Gimme Mom and her babies and wish you all someone to play with!


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