Sunday, March 4, 2012


Hello all! Long time no talk to! So sorry about that, but last week I injured my leg. I must have blocked it from my memory because the only thing I remember is Mommy coming back home from a short trip away and I was just lying there looking at her. She didn't realize anything was wrong at first but then she realized I was having trouble getting up and when I did get up I didn't put any weight on my back left leg. Owwwwieeeeeeee!!! She immediately rushed me to the vet where we saw our favorite doctor (I know, it's a vet, how can we have a favorite?? But Dr. Mills is pretty cool!) who declared it was a bruise or sprain but nothing broken. They did carry me over to the xray machine and they took pictures of my bone and it proved what the vet said: Nothing broken! That's good. But the pain! Oh the pain! And then my leg started swelling and swelling. This was bad and so Daddy took me to the vet again. We saw our 2nd favorite vet who declared it was an infection. He stuck a needle in me and stole some of my precious blood for testing. Daddy kept saying "27,000 when it should be 1,200? Wow". I guess he was talking about my white blood cell count. My body was truly trying to fight that infection, that's for sure! And again, after looking at the xrays, this vet declared nothing broken. Daddy came home with all kinds of pills for me to fight the infection and help bring the swelling down. Unfortunately, one pill makes me thirsty and one pill makes me want to pee so we've had a looooong couple of nights since that visit! But I'm up and around and feeling oh so much better!! I still am not walking on the leg but that's because it still hurts. You know how it hurts if you bruise or sprain something!!

I don't think I should have let Mommy know I was feeling better though. She said I was stinky and she gave me a bath! YUCK!

As you can see, I am still most handsome even wet but I was not enjoying myself! Mean Mommy! I give her my best pathetic look and she continues to bathe me!! AND THEN!! OH! And THEN! She picked me up and carried me to the grooming table and started the blow dryer! I can't stand the blow dryer but she insisted it was too cold for me to dry naturally. UGH! But I guess I'd better get used to it. Mommy says that she is still sure that I will be a show dog. We may not start showing at 6 months old... we certainly have to wait for me to start walking on all four feet again... but I think she wants to wait until I am 110% recovered. Anyway, when I decided I had had enough - and Mommy's back was turned - I jumped off the table. Huh! There! But I'm sorry Mommy that I don't remember exactly what happened :-(  

So, it's going to be a slow show year for us I guess. I'm not going to be starting right away and Gimme Ma'am is on temporary leave because she is being bred. Trekkie has all the titles she is going to achieve and Fox Sir is retired. Mommy occasionally mumbles about Veteran's Class with Fox Sir but that is a couple of months away and, as you can see, things can change quite quickly!!

Now that I'm feeling close to myself I'll be on more often again don't worry internet friends! Plus, we should have lots of updates as Gimme Ma'am goes through her breeding and whelping. Can't wait to have little Great Danes around here to play with!!

Alf out.

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